
Chuotanhls - Portrait Study

This is step-by-step process of my portrait sketch of  Chuotnhls . The purpose of this portrait study is to improve my values and lighting based on feedback of my previous work. Chuotnhls This photo shows an Asian girl dressed in a white shirt under strong lighting off the top left. The challenge here is rendering the female face without losing the contrast between light and shadow. In addition, the white shirt's value easily blends with the skin. Draft I began the draft by positioning the head in the ideal composition on paper. Then, with the loomis method, recreate the head in a 3-quarter angle with a slight tilt. Then I took a soft approach for the rest of the head; Squinting and making educated guesses of where the facial features are. Lay-In At the lay-in stage, I quickly separated the major light and shadows with the shading technique using a 6B pencil held with an overhand grip. Everything is kept light at this point to give me room for any mistakes. Shading I used the shadi...

Chinese Temple Watercolour Painting Process


Water Village(水鄉) painting process

For this painting, it is easier to start with a darker base colour. In my case, I've used sap green, burnt umber and black. Use a big brush to rapidly cover the canvas.  Begin blocking in the buildings. Take note that the building's reflections on the water must be slightly darker than the buildings themselves. It's important to establish warm and cold contrast. I've made the building reflections a touch of red. The buildings has more titanium white. Block in some lighter reflections of the trees on the water. Gradually build up those reflections from darkest to lightest. Blend the darks and whites together to form smooth transitions between light and dark. This helps create a more realistic image of water.  Finish up by adding in the small reflection details via palette knife.

Visiting Public Television

Public Television‘s film studio. Andrew Lin 2018 Today we visited Public Television. The Public Television was founded on 1 July 1998. As the name suggests, Public television is a TV platform created for the benefit of the public. Unlike many other similar TV channels, Public Television's intention was to create a TV channel dedicated to educational content. For example, one of their programs 'Peopo' is a news show that broadcasts motivational stories of everyday people who made small yet inspiring contributions to society. One of the stories they documented was an ordinary pilot who sacrificed all his saved money to help stray dogs. Public Television allows the public to submit anyone's motivational stories to be broadcasted on 'Peopo'. However, due to Public Television's strict quality control, only a small proportion of the stories filmed by the public made it into 'Peopo'. The corporation is aware that no viewers care about a rand...

Blog Introduction

Welcome to Andrew Lin's Art Blog This blog records all my artwork including detailed step by step process.